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There is no-one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet and lifestyle. I am here to help you discover your own ideal way of eating and living. The food we eat is perhaps the single most important influence on health. To follow are the "diets" I have followed over the years that have proven to be successful for me. When your diet is tailored to your own personal needs, it can prove to be easy to follow, have great benefits and will be sustainable, as well as, thoroughly enjoyable.
What is the keto diet? This is a low-carb diet that takes an entirely different approach to weight loss and health improvements. It changes the very “fuel source” that the body uses to stay energized: namely, from burning glucose (or sugar) to dietary fat. The keto diet recipes and the keto diet food list include high-fat, low-carb foods.
Making that switch will place your body in a state of “ketosis,” when your body becomes a fat burner rather than a sugar burner. Fortunately, if you’re new to this type of eating plan, a keto diet for beginners, or keto basics, is surprising simple to follow.
Here’s how to do the keto diet: Reduce your carb intake and Increase your consumption of healthy fats, which help create satiety. Without glucose coursing through your body, it’s now forced to burn fat and produce ketones instead. Once the blood levels of ketones rise to a certain point, you officially reach ketosis. This state results in consistent, fairly quick weight loss until your body reaches a healthy and stable weight.
You get your body into ketosis and start burning body fat for fuel in a keto diet by:
Wondering how many carb foods you can eat and still be “in ketosis”? The traditional ketogenic diet, created for those with epilepsy consisted of getting about 75 percent of calories from sources of fat (such as oils or fattier cuts of meat), 5 percent from carbohydrates and 20 percent from protein. For most people a less strict version (what I call a “modified keto diet”) can still help promote weight loss in a safe, and often very fast, way.
The paleo diet is designed to resemble what human hunter-gatherer ancestors ate thousands of years ago. Although it's impossible to know exactly what human ancestors ate in different parts of the world, researchers believe their diets consisted of whole foods. By following a whole food-based diet and leading physically active lives, hunter-gathers presumable had much lower rates of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
In fact, several studies suggest that this diet can lead to significant weight loss (without calorie counting) and major improvements in health.
Eat whole, unprocessed foods like meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruits, potatoes, nuts, healthy fats and spices. If possible, choose grass-fed and organic products.There is no one "right" way to eat for everyone and Paleolithic humans thrived on a variety of diets, depending on what was available at the time and where in the world they lived.
Some ate a low-carb diet high in animal foods, while others followed a high-carb diet with lots of plants.
Consider this as a general guideline, not something written in stone. You can adapt all of this to your own personal needs and preferences.
Here are the basics:
Eat: Eat whole, unprocessed foods like meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruits, potatoes, nuts, healthy fats and spices. If possible, choose grass-fed and organic products.
Avoid: Processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, grains, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and trans fats.
The basic concept of the paleo diet is to eat whole foods and avoid processed foods.
You are to Avoid all processed foods and ingredients, including sugar, bread, certain vegetable oils, trans fats and artificial sweeteners.
The pegan diet is a style of eating inspired by two of the most popular diet trends — paleo and vegan. According to its creator, Dr. Mark Hyman, the pegan diet promotes optimal health by reducing inflammation and balancing blood sugar.
The pegan diet combines key principles from paleo and vegan diets based on the notion that nutrient-dense, whole foods can reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar, and support optimal health.
The pegan diet is less restrictive than either a paleo or vegan diet by itself. The Major emphasis here is placed on vegetables and fruit, but intake of small to moderate amounts of meat, certain fish, nuts, seeds, and some legumes is also allowed.
Heavily processed sugars, oils, and grains are discouraged — but still acceptable in very small amounts.
The pegan diet is not designed as a typical, short-term diet. Instead, it aims to be more sustainable so that you can follow it indefinitely. The pegan diet, while based on principles from both paleo and vegan diets, follows its own rubric and is designed to be sustainable over the long term.
The pegan diet is made up of 75% fruits and vegetables. The remaining 25% is divided primarily among meats, eggs, and healthy fats, such as nuts and seeds. Some legumes and gluten-free whole grains may be allowed in limited quantities.
The pegan diet discourages several foods and food groups. However, it is somewhat flexible. Limited amounts of banned foods may be allowed occasionally.
Because the pegan diet emphasizes nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, it may help prevent disease, promote heart health, and reduce inflammation.
The Whole30 is specifically designed to address any long-standing, unhealthy psychological and emotional relationships with food, helping you break free of cravings and bad habits. According to the founders of the Whole30, Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig, The Whole30 eliminates nutrient-poor, calorie-dense, low-satiety foods that promote overconsumption—the stuff that once you start eating, you just can’t stop.
Whole30 is described as pushing the “reset” button with your health, your habits, and your relationship with food. The premise is simple: certain food groups could be having a negative impact on your body composition, health, and quality of life without you even realizing it.
The Whole30 diet aims to help you identify food intolerances, improve your relationship with food, lose weight, and achieve long-term wellness. Its initial phase lasts 1 month and focuses on whole foods.
For 30 days, the program eliminates foods demonstrated by science and our experience to promote unhealthy cravings and habits, disrupt your metabolism, damage your digestive tract, and burden your immune system.
After 30 days, you carefully and systematically reintroduce those foods, and pay attention to how they impact your cravings, mood, energy, sleep, digestion, body composition, athletic performance, pain, and the symptoms of your medical condition. The claim is that with that knowledge, you can then create the perfect diet for you; a nutrition plan that feels balanced and sustainable, grounded in new healthy habits, keeping you looking, feeling, and living your best.
Eat meat, seafood, and eggs; vegetables and fruit; natural fats; and herbs, spices, and seasonings. Eat foods with a simple or recognizable list of ingredients, or no ingredients at all because they’re whole and unprocessed.
Avoid these foods for 30 Days: Do not consume added sugar, real or artificial. Do not consume alcohol, in any form, not even for cooking. Do not eat grains. Do not eat legumes. Do not eat dairy. Do not consume carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites. Do not consume baked goods, junk foods, or treats with “approved” ingredients. Do not step on the scale or take any body measurements for 30 days.
Mark Hyman, MD
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